By the end of Year 6, we want children to be able to understand the concepts below and to be able to answer these key questions about them.
Believing (Religious beliefs, teachings, sources; questions about meaning, purpose and truth)
Faith – What does ‘faith’ mean to different people?
Expressing (Religious and spiritual forms of expression; questions about identity and diversity)
Diversity – What do different groups of people believe in?
Living (Religious practices and ways of living; questions about values and commitments)
Inspiration – Which famous figures are inspirational because of their beliefs?
Expression – How do different groups of people express their faith?
Morality – How do beliefs shape behaviour?
The ability to understand your own belief system, whether that is one rooted in Faith or not, is incredibly important. We also want our children to understand and value the similarities and differences between their own beliefs and those of others.
The children at our school have the opportunities to develop their learning and well-being spiritually, socially, morally and culturally through Religious Education (RE). The children study aspects of the six major religions of the world and relate the beliefs and practices to their own lives. We hope the children leave school as open-minded young citizens who recognise and respect the similarities across cultures and religions.
Understanding Christianity
At Dove Holes and Taddington CofE Primary Schools we also use an external resource known as Understanding Christianity. This programme of study, sourced and provided by the Church of England, is used to help all teachers support pupils in developing their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it. We aim to see pupils leave school with a coherent understanding of Christian belief and practice as they explore the significant theological concepts within Christianity as part of developing their wider religious, theological and cultural literacy. This programme is taught alongside the Derbyshire agreed Syllabus and timetabled over a two year cycle to ensure coverage of both.
Understanding Christianity has identified eight core concepts at the heart of mainstream Christian belief. It sets out some knowledge ‘building blocks’, to clarify what pupils should know and understand about these concepts at each school phase. It provides a teaching and learning approach to unpack these concepts and their impact in the lives of Christians in the UK and the world today, making connections with the world of the pupils and their wider understanding. Please visit the below website for further information
Would you like to know more about RE at our School?
If you would like to see the topics we cover in RE, please download our the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus.
See how units are mapped out and sequenced on our rolling programme by clicking here
You can view the 'Understanding Christianity' visual resource here
You can find out more about the specific way provision in Foundation Stage 2 links into the subject by reading about objectives that children access in Religious Education in the Foundation Stage.
You may also wish to find out more about how children progress across the school by reading viewing our approach to assessment here. This explains the skills we expect a typical child to demonstrate at each level of understanding whilst the knowledge statements from the Derbyshire agreed syllabus are used to ensure a breadth of study/progression